"Heaven is the face of a sweet maple syrup kiss" - S.C.C.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What Do You Think?

Here's a peek at some beams going up in the house. 
There is supposed to be a "bottom" chord/truss that goes all the way across the room and connects the ends of what you see here. The lower beam will be slightly arched. One of these pics shows one of the arches sitting in the garage.

So the question of the day is--do we still go ahead with the arch beam or just have them finish up with what it looks like now? Will it be too much with more or just right? I honestly am not sure.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I'm in the mood for change.
So we're mixing things up a bit around here.

Ignore the rogue "blonde" piece of walnut on the staircase. It really sticks out in this pic! Ah, the beauty of natural woods...

Do you like the paint color that's going up? 
I did a test run in these small areas yesterday to double check the choice. Do you think it's a go?
It needed to match the walnut, cherry and lyptus woods, the rug, trim color, and stone counters, as well as the fireplace, all in the main living areas.
No small task!

Another fundamental change going on, and one that we've been considering off and on since the house was still an idea on paper:

An arctic entry/air lock/double entry/whatever you want to call it.

There will be a double door there eventually. 
"In about 6-8 weeks."
The doors will have 5 panels like the others in the house, but with frosted glass to allow light through.

There are a few other house changes in the works as well, but you'll just have to be teased for now.
No more pics until everything is done!

Monday, January 2, 2012


We've had a rough weekend around these parts. 
Matt is hurting more than he anticipated from his surgery. 
As a nurse, I knew he was going to be surprised, but I have been as well.
I mean, we're talking about a guy who went to work the next day after having had a tonsillectomy as an adult. People just don't do that.  
Unless they are Matt.

This time, no such luck.
He wasn't even able to move on Saturday. 
My back is proof.
But you know what? I have been able to take care of the love of my life. To do things for him that I would otherwise not have opportunity to do. 
I get to love on him in ways I haven't in the almost fifteen years we've been married.
It's that sweet, sugary, syrupy love kind of thing.
Boy do I love this man.

As a family, we have been humbled and ever so grateful to our loved ones and friends. 
For all the prayers,
the meals,  
letting the boys escape the house to play somewhere else, 
and all the other help that has been provided.

On another note, and since my back is already sore-
I did some serious shoveling of chicken *(crap)* today.
Man do chickens know how to poo up a place!
At least they are sleeping in a nice, clean coop tonight. 

I'm expecting some good eggs in the morning...

New Years 2012

Not quite the celebration we had anticipated.
My sweetie went in for surgery on the 30th.
He's had increasing pain the past couple years from a huge abdominal scar, a memento from life-saving surgery as an infant. 
Scarred skin is very unforgiving. 
He essentially had a "vertical tummy tuck" to remove the scar tissue and repair the damage.

IE: Major Ouch.

Yeah. We hung around the house for New Years.
Such party poopers that we are.

Christmas 2011

Arrived home at 1:30 am.
Slept in until about 9:30, including the boys!
11:00--Church. The Primary sang. I was the lucky piano player.

2 pm--The boys are more than anxious to open their presents.

Popper toys. These days, we have "popper fights" instead of "pillow fights" in our house.
Even Daddy got one.

Xander is super excited about the marble run blocks from G&G J.

And of course, Legos and Hot Wheels.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Oregon Whirlwind Dec 21-24

Next stop: Grandpa and Grandma J's house!
Our drive to their place was rather uneventful, and we all arrived glad to be "home" after sleeping in a hotel  the past few days.

"Date Day" for Matt and I. 
We sat down and figured out that the last time we had gone on an official date was when the "Avatar" movie was in theaters. 
Rather pathetic.

G&G J were more than accommodating to watch the boys the whole day. 
Thank you so much!
Matt and I had some much needed one on one time.
We had all those sorts of conversations that just can't be had with three munchkins on our tails.
You know--
the kind where you sit and stare at each other googely eyed, say "I love you"...
And then wonder what to do with all this free time you are suddenly face with.
Again, thank you. We really did have a great day together and we know the boys were so excited to be with you "one on one" as well.

Evergreen Air Museum in McMinville.
If you haven't gone...
And don't forget your bathing suit.
They have a rather wicked indoor water park.

The boys, Grandpa, Matt, and Cousin K. ran themselves ragged in the water while
Aunt A. and I caught up on each other's lives. 

Too pooped to do much else but chill and G&G's house.
The boys have colds, some with a fever. 
Movies, games and gingerbread houses were the entertainment of the day.
Kind of nice after running around in circles the past week!

The ALJ's and K, and Henry came over for dinner. 
So glad we were able to see them again before we had to leave!

Back home just in time for Christmas!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tuesday, 12.21.2011

Last day in Seattle.

We took a quick walk down to the Pike to pick up some Pirosky Piroshky yummies.
And I had to have another one of those mouth watering strawberry and chocolate crepes.

Then it was over the river and through the woods to Grandpa and Grandma J's! 

Oh yeah-
Thanks to the jerk who did a "smash and grab" and took our GPS during our Seattle visit-

If you had looked harder, you would have noticed that it was a 4 year old unit that isn't worth much.
Not to mention, you could have gotten a lot better booty if you had opened the console and glove box.
Just saying'.

We still had a great time in Seattle though.